
The whole process, from the raw materials or semi-finished items to the finished product.

Our company is able to meet the needs of customers that operate in many different sectors, we work on the customer's design and we provide our experience also in the design and prototyping phases.

The production departments have horizontal and vertical machining centers, numerically controlled lathes, machines dedicated to specific product lines and can draw on carpentry tools and know-how to finally deliver to our customers optimally finished products.

We provide a quality service also thanks to the competence of our certified suppliers, with whom we have running decades-long collaborations.

We can supply the product completely finished with heat treatments, paintings and further processings not performed internally.

We are well equipped, both for large series and single specialized products.

The choice of the most suitable materials for the project is accurately based on the needs and specifications of the customer. Being equipped with all the equipment and skills to work the main metals (including Iron, Steel, Cast Iron, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, etc.) we can respond to even the most demanding requests.

AS Mechanical Technology is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

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